Spsetiket.com requests some of your personal information (name, age, e-mail, etc.) from you in order to provide better service to its customers. This information collected on spsetiket.com will only be used by us with your consent, in order to deliver periodic campaigns and special promotional activities for customer profiles.
We will process the personal data you share with us in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and the relevant legislation in order to provide the services we provide to our customers in accordance with their requirements and to improve the products and services we offer to you. For these purposes, the persons / organizations to whom your personal data you shared with us can be transferred; our main shareholder, our direct / indirect domestic / foreign affiliates, especially SPS ETİKET BASKI VE AMBALAJ SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ and its subsidiaries, to which we are affiliated; Program partner organizations, domestic / foreign organizations and other 3rd parties that we receive service from, cooperate with, to carry out our activities.
Our members campaign, promotion, etc. You can make all kinds of choices about whether or not to receive such information while becoming a member, and then this selection can be changed in the account information section after logging in as a member.
Your personal information you use while shopping, contact forms and all information you enter while becoming a member (delivery/invoice addresses, phone numbers, etc.) will never be shared with other institutions and organizations.
Only you can access and change all the information you provide while becoming a member. If you protect your member login information securely, it is not possible for others to access and change information about you.
All credit card transactions and approvals are made online between you and your bank, not us. Information such as credit card number, security code and password are not seen or recorded by SPS Etiket.
spsetiket.com, whose infrastructure was created in line with the principle of secure shopping and privacy of personal information, works with advanced communication protocols, especially SSL technology.
You can consult SPS Etiket on the issues you want to receive additional information through the communication ways specified on our website.
SPS Etiket was established in 2005 under the umbrella of Küçükler Holding in Istanbul. After the most suitable equipment and human resources structure were determined, the necessary employment was provided and the facility became operational in 2005.
The company contributes to the sales and business of its customers and produces customer-oriented solutions by providing consultancy to the companies that it supplies labels to; about market conditions, preferences and trends.
Halkalı Merkez Mahallesi.
Dereboyu Caddesi No:68 K:2
P (+90) 212 470 00 46
F (+90) 212 470 00 59
E export@spslabel.com